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Statistical Analyst
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Statistical Analyst

Yishun, Singapore

Clem R

Master’s Degree in Information Science, Singapore University of Technology and Design


Online data analysis assignment helper and Matlab homework expert


I have over 7 years of experience as a data analyst, something that helped me land a career as a data analysis homework helper at Matlab Assignment Experts. Throughout the period I have been with this company, I have delivered numerous projects to students from all over the world. Among the topics on which I have provided expert Matlab assignment help include data visualization, statistical analysis, workflows automation, data mining, and data cleaning.

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Transfer Function
clear all,clc % tests: B1=[1 -0.8]; A1=[1 1.5 0.9]; Ts=1; % System is table in z if all poles lie inside a circle of unit 1 p=roots(A1); if(abs(p)<=1), disp(['Z domain system is stable']); else disp(['Z domain system is Not stable']) end % For Time domain we will convert form d2c sys=d2c(tf(B1,A1,Ts)); [numc,denc]=tfdata(sys,'v'); pc=roots(denc); if real(pc)<0 disp(['Time Domain system is stable']); else disp(['Time Domain system is not stable']); end % zero-state response vs. zero-input response BB=[2.24 2.49 2.24]; AA=[1 -0.4 0.75]; n=-2:1:20; % The filter will be used for the following initial conditions x=(n>=0); b1=2.24; b2=2.49; b3=2.24; a1=1; a2=-0.4; a3=0.75; zi2=[-2*a1-1*a2,b1*0-a2*2]; y=filter(BB,AA,x,zi2); stem(n,y); grid on title('The response with initial condition of 2nd order system')
Calculating Area using Matlab
% area.m % computes the area and perimeter of a rectangle % Asks for the length of the rectangle L = input( ' What is the length of the rectangle ? ' ); % Asks for the width of the rectangle W = input( ' What is the width of the rectangle ? ' ); % computes the area and perimeter Area = L * W ; Perimeter = 2*(L + W); % displays the area and perimeter fprintf('The area of the rectangle is: %g \n', Area) fprintf('The perimeter of the rectangle is: %g \n', Perimeter) % avg.m % computes the average value of three numbers % Asks for the three numbers whose average is to be found N1 = input( ' What is the first number, N1 ? ' ); N2 = input( ' What is the second number, N2 ? ' ); N3 = input( ' What is the third number, N3 ? ' ); % computes the average value of the three numbers AverageN = (N1 + N2 + N3)/3 ; % displays the average value of the three numbers fprintf('The average of the three numbers is: %g \n', AverageN) % circle.m % finds the area of a circle with a known diameter % Asks for diameter of the circle d = input( ' What is the diameter of the circle ? ' ); % Find the area of a circle Area = pi * d^2 /4 ; % displays the area and perimeter fprintf('The area of the circle is: %g \n', Area) % polynom % solves for the roots of a 2nd order polynomial equation using quadratic % formula % asks for the values of a, b and c a = input('What is the value of a ?'); b = input('What is the value of b ?'); c = input('What is the value of c ?'); % computes the roots s1 and s2 s1 = (-b + sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a); s2 = (-b - sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a); % displays the roots s1 and s2 fprintf('The roots of the polynomial are: s1 = %g and s2 = %g \n', s1,s2) % rctime.m % computes the charging voltage for a resistor and capacitor circuit % asks for the values of Vcc, tmax, R and C Vcc = input('What is the value of Vcc ?'); R = input('What is the resistor value, R ?'); C = input('What is the capacitor value, C ?'); tmax = input('What is the maximum time for evaluation, tmax ?'); t = linspace(0,tmax,100); % computes V V = Vcc*(1- exp(-t/(R*C))); % plots V vs t. plot(t,V, 'r') xlabel('t') ylabel('V') % resistor.m % computes the Rs and Rp equivalent values of two resistors % Asks for the two resistor resistance values R1 = input( ' What is the first resistor value, R1 ? ' ); R2 = input( ' What is the second resistor value, R2 ? ' ); % computes Rs and Rp values Rs = R1 + R2; Rp = R1* R2/(R1 + R2); % displays the Rs and Rp values with comment fprintf('The Rs value for series connection is: %g \n', Rs) fprintf('The Rp value for parallel connection is: %g \n', Rp)