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Robotics Project Engineer

Jaipur, India

Ajay S

Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, University of Mumbai


Academic assistant with over seven years of experience in mechanical engineering


Hi there! I am Ajay, a highly experienced mechanical engineer and academic writer at Matlab Assignment Experts. I am proficient in robotics and space systems, fluid dynamics, mechatronics, force control systems, nonlinear vibrations, and fluid-structure interaction. I am also knowledgeable about nonlinear dynamics, flow-induced vibrations, nonlinear rotor dynamics, and thermoacoustics. I can handle any project derived from these topics and any other topic related to mechanical engineering.

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Game of Islands in Matlab
function str = chaosChallenge(Str1, Str2, rules); M=['Fire ',' Wind ',' Lightning ',' Earth ',' Water ']; Rul=['W ','L ','T']; M_C=regexp(M,'\s+','split'); R_C=regexp(Rul,'\s+','split'); M_1=strcmp(M_C(1:numel(M_C)),Str1); M_2=strcmp(M_C(1:numel(M_C)),Str2); Rules1=rules(M_1,1); Rules2=rules(M_2,1); Moves1=rules(1,M_1); Moves2=rules(1,M_2); S_D=[Rules1 Rules2]; STR=[Str1,' ',Str2]; STR=cellstr(regexp(STR,'\s+','split')); MOVES=cellstr(regexp([Moves1,' ',Moves2],'\s+','split')); if(strfind(S_D,'W')~=0) m=strfind(S_D,'W'); str=['str-> ''Yay, I won with ', vertcat(cell2mat(STR(m))),'!''']; disp(str) elseif(strfind(S_D,'L')~=0) m=strfind(S_D,'L'); str=['str->''Oh no, my opponent beat me with, ' vertcat(cell2mat(MOVES(m))),'!''']; disp(str) elseif(strfind(S_D,'T')~=0) m=strfind(S_D,'T'); str=['str->''Who knew that', vertcat(cell2mat(STR(m))), 'and' vertcat(cell2mat(MOVES(m))),' would tie?''']; disp(str) end end function out = idolThief(ShoeSize, SetColor, Candy) %Candy=cellstr(Candy) Candy=strrep(strrep(Candy,' ',''),'''',''); switch (Candy) case 'SourPatchKids' if (strcmp(SetColor,'Blue')) if(ShoeSize==9) out=['out-> ''The immunity idol thief is'' ','Jessica']; disp(out); elseif(ShoeSize==10) out=['out-> ''The immunity idol thief is'' ','Davie']; disp(out); end end case 'Butterfinger' if (strcmp(SetColor,'Green')) if (ShoeSize==9) out=['out-> ''The immunity idol thief is'' ','Lyrsa']; disp(out); elseif(ShoeSize==10) out=['out-> ''The immunity idol thief is'' ','Pat']; disp(out); end elseif(strcmp(SetColor,'Red')) if(ShoeSize==10) out=['out-> ''The immunity idol thief is'' ','Carl']; disp(out); elseif(ShoeSize==9) out=['out-> ''The immunity idol thief is'' ','Christian']; disp(out); end end case 'ReesesPeanutButterCups' if (strcmp(SetColor,'Blue')) if (ShoeSize==9) out=['out-> ''The immunity idol thief is'' ','Gabby']; disp(out); elseif(ShoeSize==10) out=['out-> ''The immunity idol thief is'' ','Nick']; disp(out); end elseif(strcmp(SetColor,'Red')) if(ShoeSize==10) out=['out-> ''The immunity idol thief is'' ','Elizabth']; disp(out); end end end end function isldStr=islandSimulator2020(isldRes,isldTitle,specRes) str=cellstr(isldTitle); index=strcmp(specRes,str(1:numel(str))); s_m=sum(isldRes(index,:)); if(s_m<20) isldStr=['isldStr-> THIS AIN''T IT CHIEF']; disp(isldStr); elseif(s_m==20) isldStr=['isldStr-> This island could work, it has ',num2str(s_m), specRes]; disp(isdStr); else isldStr=['isldStr-> We''re looking good folks: this island has ',num2str(s_m),' ' specRes]; disp(isldStr); end end rules = [ 'TWWLL'; 'LTLWW'; 'LWTLW'; 'WLWTL'; 'WLLWT' ]; Str1='Lightning'; Str2='Earth'; str = chaosChallenge(Str1, Str2, rules); clear all,clc ShoeSize=10; SetColor='Red'; %Candy='Sour Patch Kids'; Candy='Butterfinger'; out=idolThief(ShoeSize, SetColor, Candy); clear all isldRes=[4 8 9; 2 5 6; 5 6 10; 6 10 1]; isldTitle=['FOOD'; 'WIFI'; 'WATR'; 'MTLB']; specRes='FOOD'; isldStr=islandSimulator2020(isldRes,isldTitle,specRes);
Game of Knights in Matlab
function out = secretTunnel(tunnel, dir, steps) [rows, cols] = size(tunnel); % First, get the starting position [row_idx, col_idx] = find(tunnel == 'U'); start = [row_idx, col_idx]; row = tunnel(start(1), :); col = tunnel(:, start(2)); if dir == 'N' path = col(start(1)-steps:start(1)-1); elseif dir == 'S' path = col(start(1)+1:start(1)+steps); elseif dir == 'E' path = row(start(2)+1:start(2)+steps); elseif dir == 'W' path = row(start(2)-steps:start(2)-1); end wall = find(path == '#'); spike = find(path == '^'); trap = find(path == '+'); cave = find(path == '='); elements = [wall, spike, trap, cave]; elements = sort(elements); if length(elements) < 1 % path is clear out = strcat(['I checked ', dir, ' and the way is clear!']); return; else hazard = path(elements(1)); Nsteps = 0; if dir == 'N' || dir == 'W' Nsteps = steps - elements(1)+1; elseif dir == 'S' || dir == 'E' Nsteps = elements(1); end if hazard == '#' out = strcat(['I checked ', dir, ' and encountered a(n) wall ', num2str(Nsteps), ' step(s) ahead.']); return; elseif hazard == '^' out = strcat(['I checked ', dir, ' and encountered a(n) spike pit ', num2str(Nsteps), ' step(s) ahead.']); return; elseif hazard == '+' out = strcat(['I checked ', dir, ' and encountered a(n) arrow trap ', num2str(Nsteps), ' step(s) ahead.']); return; elseif hazard == '=' out = strcat(['I checked ', dir, ' and encountered a(n) cave-in ', num2str(Nsteps), ' step(s) ahead.']); return; end end end function [outStr, pieces] = rulersPuzzle(board) % Find King position [Nr, Nc] = size(board); [row_idx, col_idx] = find(board == 'K'); % Check rows and cols at the position of the King, to see if there is a % Rook left_row = board(row_idx, 1:col_idx-1); right_row = board(row_idx, col_idx+1:end); top_col = board(1:row_idx-1, col_idx); bottom_col = board(row_idx+1:end, col_idx); %% First, check for rooks Nrooks = 0; % Check if there are elements of the same team same = sort([find(left_row == 'N'), find(left_row == 'P'), find(left_row == 'K'), find(left_row == 'p'), find(left_row == 'k'), find(left_row == 'n')]); rooks = sort(find(left_row == 'r')); if length(rooks) > 0 if (length(same) < 1) || rooks(end) > same(end) prox = 0; if length(same) > 0 prox = same(end); end Nrooks = Nrooks + length(find(rooks > prox)); end end % Check if there are elements of the same team same = sort([find(right_row == 'N'), find(right_row == 'P'), find(right_row == 'K'), find(right_row == 'p'), find(right_row == 'k'), find(right_row == 'n')]); rooks = sort(find(right_row == 'r')); if length(rooks) > 0 if (length(same) < 1) || rooks(1) < same(1) prox = Inf; if length(same) > 0 prox = same(1); end Nrooks = Nrooks + length(find(rooks < prox)); end end same = sort([find(top_col == 'N'), find(top_col == 'P'), find(top_col == 'K'), find(top_col == 'p'), find(top_col == 'k'), find(top_col == 'n')]); rooks = sort(find(top_col == 'r')); if length(rooks) > 0 if (length(same) < 1) || rooks(end) > same(end) prox = 0; if length(same) > 0 prox = same(end); end Nrooks = Nrooks + length(find(rooks > prox)); end end same = sort([find(bottom_col == 'N'), find(bottom_col == 'P'), find(bottom_col == 'K'), find(bottom_col == 'p'), find(bottom_col == 'k'), find(bottom_col == 'n')]); rooks = sort(find(bottom_col == 'r')); if length(rooks) > 0 if (length(same) < 1) || rooks(1) < same(1) prox = Inf; if length(same) > 0 prox = same(1); end Nrooks = Nrooks + length(find(rooks < prox)); end end %% Check pawns pos = [-1,-1;0,-1;1,-1;-1,0;1,0;-1,1;0,1;1,1]; pawn_pos = zeros(size(pos)); pawn_pos(:,1) = row_idx; pawn_pos(:,2) = col_idx; pawn_pos = pawn_pos + pos; pawn_pos(pawn_pos<1) = 1; pawn_pos(pawn_pos>Nc) = Nc; idx = sub2ind(size(board), pawn_pos(:,1), pawn_pos(:,2)); Npawns = length(find(board(idx) == 'p')); %% Check knights % Find all knights [rows, cols] = find(board == 'n'); % The move position of a knight is 1 step in one direction and 2 step % to the other. So the total is: sqrt(1+2^2)= sqrt(5) % Is there is a knight at a distance of sqrt(5), then it can eat the % king my_pos = zeros(length(rows),1); my_pos(:,1) = row_idx; my_pos(:,2) = col_idx; my_pos = my_pos - [rows,cols]; distance = vecnorm(my_pos,2,2); valid_knights = find(distance == sqrt(5)); Nknights = length(valid_knights); %% Check king: same procedure as pawns pos = [-1,-1;0,-1;1,-1;-1,0;1,0;-1,1;0,1;1,1]; king_pos = zeros(size(pos)); king_pos(:,1) = row_idx; king_pos(:,2) = col_idx; king_pos = king_pos + pos; king_pos(king_pos<1) = 1; king_pos(king_pos>Nc) = Nc; idx = sub2ind(size(board), king_pos(:,1), king_pos(:,2)); Nkings = length(find(board(idx) == 'k')); % ischeck = 0; pieces = Nrooks + Npawns + Nknights + Nkings; if pieces > 0 ischeck = 1; end if ischeck == 1 outStr = 'You are in check!'; else outStr = 'You are not in check!'; end pieces = Nrooks + Npawns + Nknights + Nkings; end